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Posts in Anxiety
How can mental illness worsen isolation?

How can mental illness worsen isolation?

A common theme among those suffering from certain mental health conditions is the tendency to isolate oneself. This can be driven by a number of factors but can also perpetuate the feeling of loneliness and fear, and result in an ongoing cycle of self-isolation. This...

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How Can Depression, Anxiety Skew Our Perception of Reality?

How Can Depression, Anxiety Skew Our Perception of Reality?

As humans, our perception of the world around us shapes how we interact with it. And vice versa; how we interact with the world shapes our perceptions. This was a topic that was recently discussed with a guest on the #FuturePsychiatryPodcast.Listen to an excerpt from...

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How to Treat Fear-Based Anxiety Disorders

How to Treat Fear-Based Anxiety Disorders

Are you struggling with fear-based anxiety responses? Learn how to manage your body's fight or flight response through effective therapy for anxiety disorders. There are many options available for anxiety therapy.How to Treat Fear-Based Anxiety Disorders Fear-based...

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How Would Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Me?

How Would Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Me?

Strategies to change one’s thinking patterns involves increasing self-awareness. Through therapy, one obtains improved insight into and understanding of these patterns. The process of doing therapy involves constructing a concept, considering how that concept will be expressed, and then reflecting on the concepts and how it sounds. Through this process of self-expression, one gains an increased level of understanding and insight into the causes of the problem.

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Therapy for Work Stress

Therapy for Work Stress

There are many reasons to discuss work satisfaction with your therapist. Many mental health problems can become more evident in the workplace. Depression, anxiety has an impact on engagement in one’s work, and fulfillment and meaning in work can have a positive impact on mental health.

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Stress Management and COVID-19

Stress Management and COVID-19

Living through the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be a difficult time filled with uncertainty. Taking the time for yourself- by disconnecting from media, staying in touch with loved ones, and keeping physically active- will help us get through this period with calmness.

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